Designing a Web-Based Online Attendance System, Case Study at PT Centralindo Panca Sakti
Perancangan Sistem Presensi Online Berbasis Web Study Kasus : PT Centralindo Panca Sakti
Website, Online attendance systemAbstract
Presence is a way to record employee presence in the company environment. PT Centralindo Panca Sakti is a telecommunications services company in Surabaya. So far, companies have used changing presences. From using fingerprints, failure often occurs in scanning identification. So we switched to Google Docs, but we still experienced problems, especially the data recapitulation process which was less efficient. So the web-based attendance system needs to be tested. The presence system designed by researchers is a web-based application using faces. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using the waterfall model, with 80 employees as research subjects. The result of this research is an application in the form of a website using the MySql database. It was concluded that the attendance system using a website was proven to make recording on the website easier, thereby improving employee performance, because it was more efficient.
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