Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Solving Mathematics Problems on Geometry Material in Elementary School
Analisis Kesulitan Siswa Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika pada Materi Geometri di Sekolah Dasar
Difficulties, Geometry, MathsAbstract
The goal of teaching geometry is to help students comprehend the characteristics and connections between geometry elements while also fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are applicable to everyday life. The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges fourth-grade students at SD Negeri Kebonagung 1 Porong have when responding to geometry problems. The analysis's findings indicate that students encounter challenges when it comes to solving geometry issues. These challenges include (1) students' struggles with applying concepts; (2) students' struggles with applying principles; and (3) pupils struggle to find solutions to verbal puzzles. The findings of this research can be applied to the future development of geometry problems, particularly those pertaining to the area and perimeter of flat shapes.
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