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Analysis Communication of Shopee Affiliators Through Tiktok as a Media for Attracting Consumers

Analisis Komunikasi Affiliator Shopee Melalui Tiktok Sebagai Media untuk Menarik Konsumen




Shopee, Tiktok, Affiliation, Communicaton, Content Creator


Advances in internet technology and social media have changed marketing, allowing affiliates to use digital platforms such as TikTok to promote Shopee products. This study aims to analyze the communication concepts used by Shopee affiliates through TikTok in attracting consumer interest. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis with data collection through the Tiktok affiliate account @myvnz which focuses on fashion and is analyzed using the Miles and Huberman Technique. Shopee affiliates use TikTok features such as video content, hashtags, and collaboration to foster personal relationships and increase engagement. Effective communication aligned with The Circle of SOME concept-sharing, optimizing, managing, and engaging-helps drive user engagement and encourage shopping on Shopee These results can be used as a guide for other creators to develop more integrated and impactful marketing strategies, and increase audience engagement by making the most of the platform's features.


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