The Implementation of a Web-Based Outdoor Equipment Rental System Design (Case Study: L3 Adventure)
Implementasi Rancangan Sistem Penyewaan Alat Outdoor Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: L3 Adventure)
Information System, Information Technology, Online Booking System, Outdoor Equipment Rental, WebsiteAbstract
The advancement of information technology has transformed data management, especially for Gen Z. UMKM L3 Adventure, a camping equipment rental service, still relies on manual processes for booking and management. The COVID-19 pandemic emphasized the need for an online booking system to reduce physical contact and improve efficiency. This research develops a web-based information system for L3 Adventure, focusing on creating an efficient, accessible booking platform. A mixed-method approach was employed, using surveys, observations, and interviews at L3 Adventure in Sukodono, Sidoarjo. The findings show that the system significantly enhances data management and booking efficiency. The system was developed using the waterfall design model and tested with the blackbox method to ensure functionality. This study contributes to the development of information systems for outdoor equipment rentals, improving efficiency and user experience at L3 Adventure.
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