“YUMMY” Vegetable Chicken Nuggets Business Plan Based on BMC and SWOT Analysis
Bisnis Plan Nugget Ayam Sayur “YUMMY” Berbasis Analisa BMC dan SWOT
Business Design, Children's Nutrition, Food Industry, nugget, Market StrategyAbstract
The food industry has seen a growing demand for nutritious yet convenient products aimed at children. Specific. However, existing market offerings often fall short in balancing taste and health. There is a lack of business models that successfully integrate nutritional value with market appeal for children's products.This study aims to design a business model for Vegetable Chicken Nugget, focusing on creating a nutritious, child-friendly product. The proposed business design incorporates innovative production methods and strategic marketing to address both health concerns and consumer preferences. This study introduces a comprehensive business strategy that combines nutritional science with consumer insights, ensuring the product's market success. The findings provide a framework for developing food products that meet both nutritional standards and market demands, potentially influencing future business models in the food industry.
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