The Influence of Green Leadership and Green Economics on Sustainable Corporate Performance Through Employee Green Behavior at RSUD.Bangil
Pengaruh Green Leadership dan Green Economics Terhadap Sustainable Corporate Performance Melalui Employee Green Behavior di RSUD. Bangil
Green Leadership, Green Economics, Sustainable Corporate Performance, Employee Green BehaviorAbstract
This research aims to investigate the influence of green economics and green leadership on sustainable corporate performance through employee green behavior at the Bangil Regional General Hospital (RSUD). Green economics and green leadership are two important factors in promoting sustainable business practices, and employee green behavior plays a key role in bridging the relationship between these two factors and the company's sustainable performance.
This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey as a data collection method. Data was obtained from Bangil Hospital employees who are involved in environmental and sustainability practices at the hospital. This research also analyzes related literature to understand the concepts of green economics, green leadership, sustainable corporate performance, and employee green behavior.
The results of the analysis obtained are that the Green Leadership variable has an influence on Sustainable Corporate Performance. This is because there are leaders who are role models and there is also a green leadership spirit that keeps employees motivated so they can complete their work well. The results of the analysis obtained are that the Green Economic variable has an influence on Sustainable Corporate Performance. The results of this analysis show that employees can carry out social and environmental responsibility to the community around the operating factory. The results of the analysis can be concluded that Green Leadership influences Employee Green Behavior, because the leader has full control over the duties and responsibilities carried out by each employee. The results of the analysis can be concluded that Green Economics influences Employee Green Behavior, because when we as humans can be responsible for social and environmental matters, then environmental performance will increase. The results of the analysis obtained are that the Sustainable Corporate Performance variable has an influence on Employee Green Behavior. This is because employees who are environmentally aware and implement green behavior in their daily lives will increase good environmental performance. The results of the analysis obtained are that Green Leadership has an influence on Sustainable Corporate Performance through Employee Green Behavior. With cooperation between leaders and employees, the planned goals will be quickly achieved. The results of the analysis can be concluded that Green Economics influences Sustainable Corporate Performance through Employee Green Behavior, because the CSR programs that have been established by HR are intended for all employees so that each individual has an awareness of social and environmental responsibility. If the program is good, and gets a positive response from employees and the community, then environmental performance will also improve.
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