Implementation of Digital Marketing Strategies Using the Sostac Model Approach to Increasing the Attractiveness Of Prospective New Students
Implementasi Strategi Pemasaran Digital dengan Pendekatan Model Sostac dalam Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Calon Siswa Baru
Digital Marketing Strategy, SOSTAC, attractionAbstract
This research aims to implement a digital marketing strategy using the SOSTAC model approach to increase the attraction of prospective new students. An excellent framework for digital marketing strategy planning is the SOSTAC Model, which stands for Situational Analysis, Goals, Strategy, Tactics, Actions, and Controls. The SOSTAC model can pinpoint the most important aspects of marketing analysis and planning that must be considered to achieve goals. Educational institutions are obliged to provide accurate and transparent information to prospective students and parents. This research uses a qualitative approach, the type of data in this research is qualitative data in the form of interviews and the type of data is primary data collected through interviews and observation. The analysis technique uses triangulation techniques. The results of this research show that the school has identified strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats faced in a school environment that continues to develop. This provides a strong basis for implementing a good digital marketing strategy by adopting established strategic analysis. Implementation of the 4P marketing mix (Place, Promotion, Price and People) helps design an effective digital marketing strategy. Schools can also design, control and evaluate the implementation of digital marketing strategies via websites and social media (IG and FB) effectively.
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