The Information System in PT. Indo Tirta Abadi Gempol
Sistem Informasi di PT. Indo Tirta Abadi Gempol
information system, Systems, PT. Indo Tirta Abadi GempolAbstract
The aim of this research is to develop a web programming system to optimize employee work operations at PT. Indo Tirta Abadi to make it easier and more efficient. The method used in making this final project involves important steps, such as literature study to understand system concepts and optimal design, collection and analysis of relevant data, system design based on previously identified needs, and creation of applications based on concepts that have been designed with thorough testing. Results of Information Systems analysis at PT. Indo Tirta Abadi Gempol is that the system has increased the effectiveness of warehouse employee activities by replacing manual processes. In addition, this system provides employees with fast and accurate information regarding operational data because it uses an integrated database. The system output is a file ready to print according to company format which can be used as an operational document and archive.
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