Management of Strengthening Programs, Training, and Human Resources for Work Productivity Through an Islamic Value Approach
Manajemen Penguatan Program, Training, dan SDM terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Melalui Pendekatan Islamic Value
Strengthening Management, Training, Human Resources, Work Productivity, Islamic ValueAbstract
Program strengthening management, training, and human resource development (HR) are key elements in increasing work productivity in various organizations. This study discusses a unique approach that integrates Islamic values in an effort to increase work productivity through training programs and human resource development. Understanding Islamic values in the context of management can provide a strong foundation for building a work culture oriented towards a balance between the demands of this world and the hereafter, as well as respect for the values of ethics, justice, and blessings. This approach encourages the implementation of training programs that include aspects of science, leadership, ethics, and interpersonal skills by paying attention to Islamic principles. Through this approach, employees are not only provided with the technical skills necessary for their jobs, but also encouraged to develop strong character, fair leadership, as well as a sense of social and spiritual responsibility. The results of the study indicate that Program Strengthening Management, Training, and Human Resources have a positive, unidirectional, and significant influence on Work Productivity through the Islamic Value Approach, both individually and collectively. A unidirectional (positive) influence means that if the work productivity variable is increased, then the variables of strengthening programs, training, and human resources will increase. Likewise, if the free variable decreases, eating will be followed by a decrease in the work productivity variable. Improving the indicators of Islamic recruitment practices and policies will result in more efficient use of resources. The implementation of effective and sustainable Islamic job training will help achieve work goals and improve the quality of employees' work.
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