Comparison between the Sheath Flow DC Detection Method with Platelet-Clumps Flag and Blood Smear on Thrombocyte Count
Perbandingan antara Metode Sheath Flow DC Detection disertai Platelet-Clumps Flag dengan Metode Apusan Darah Tepi terhadap Jumlah Trombosit
Sheath Flow DC Detection, , Platelet-Clumps Flag, The peripheral blood smear, Platelet count.Abstract
Platelet counts can be measured using the sheath flow direct current (DC) detection method, which employs hydrodynamic focusing to generate electrical impedance proportional to cell volume as blood cells pass through an aperture. A common issue is platelet aggregation, leading to pseudothrombocytopenia, which can be influenced by the design of hematology analyzers. This study compares the sheath flow DC detection method with the Platelet-Clumps Flag against the peripheral blood smear method for platelet counting. Conducted at the Central Laboratory of Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital from May to July 2024, the study analyzed 100 samples, split between Q values of 100-200 and 300, selected through purposive sampling. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test yielded a significant difference (Asymp. Sig = 0.000) between the two methods, highlighting the effectiveness of the sheath flow DC detection method with the Platelet-Clumps Flag compared to the peripheral blood smear method.
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