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The Song Muhammadiyah Gerakan Da'wah

Lagu Muhammadiyah Gerakan Dakwah




song, early childhood, muhammadiyah


In general, early childhood tends to like to sing. Through singing activities, it is able to increase learning outcomes in early childhood. An alternative that teachers can strive for is to prepare simple songs adapted to the learning theme. By listening to songs, children are easier to learn and understand something. For this reason, the author was inspired to make a children's song with the theme of Al Islam Kemuhammadiyahan and Keaisyiyahan with the title of the song "Muhammadiyah Gerakan Da'wah". This song was created with the hope that early childhood can sing and learn from the lyrics which contain the introduction of the founders of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah, the introduction of the ortom and its symbols. Equipped with a partiture containing number notes, this song can also be learned and sung by anyone who wants to learn.


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