Effect of Welding Parameters on Friction Stir Welding on the Mechanical Properties of Polyethylene Type Polymers
Pengaruh Parameter Pengelasan Pada Friction Stir Welding Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Polimer Jenis Polyethylene
Friction Stir Welding, Polymer, Impact StrengthAbstract
FSW is process joining materials in solid state condition. The joining process does not require additional materials. Heat is generated from the friction of the rotating pin with the workpiece. This study aims to determine the effect of parameters on welding polyethylene sheet material with the FSW method on impact strength. This study uses the Taguchi Orthogonal Array method, with the aim of designing experimental data. The results of this study indicate that: (1) FSW welding can be performed on polyethylene material by varying several parameters with good results. From these results the highest impact price was obtained by specimen 16 with variations in the parameters of the spindle speed 2200 rpm and the feedrate speed 25 mm/min by using a cylindrical taper pin model which gets an impact value of 0.81709 joules/mm2.; (2) Spindle speed is the most influential parameter on impact strength with a percentage of 46.36%.
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