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The Effect of the Wingtip on the VAWT Wind Turbine (vertical axis wind turbine) Naca 0015 on its Performance

Pengaruh Wingtip Pada Wind Turbine VAWT (vertical axis wind turbine) Naca 0015 Terhadap Unjuk Kerjanya




The effect of wintip on VAWT Naca 0015


The development of portable energy is currently very rapid because the need for energy, especially electricity, is increasing, this cannot rely on fossil-based energy due to limited environmental emissions, various types of power plants including wind energy which is renewable energy, this VAWT prototype uses 2 blade and 4 blade variations with a blade height of 1.5 meters with a radius of 0.75 meters, the results recorded are the amperage voltage and the resulting power shows that VAWTs using wingtips have improved performance compared to without wingtips, as well as those with 4 blades which have improved compared to using 2 blades. From this research it can be concluded that the addition of wingtips with a width of 3 cm has increased compared to the addition of wingtips with a width of 2 cm or 1 cm or more. the one without wingtips


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