Application of Value Engineering on Mill Grinder Machines at PT. MJTU
Penerapan Value Engineering pada Mesin Mill Grinder di PT. MJTU
Value engineering, Mill GrindingAbstract
Disk mill grinding is a machine that utilizes the pressure between two discs, this machine has the function of grinding a material so that results are obtained in the form of fine powder or coarse powder according to the desired size by adjusting the size of the screen or sieve. using a systematic approach to find the best functional balance between cost performance of a project or product. Value engineering is a proven management technique uses a systematic approach to find the best functional balance between cost, and
performance of a project or product. The application of value engineering to maximize production capacity for disk mill grinding machines is the main focus of this research, by changing the original design in such a way that it can increase production capacity from 59.05 Kg/hour to 71.45 Kg/hour.
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