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Why Do Middle Class People Gamble Online? Phenomenological Study of Online Gambling Players from an Islamic Perspective

Mengapa Masyarakat Kelas Menengah Melakukan Judi Online? Studi Fenomenologis Pelaku Judi Online Perspektif Islam




Author Guidelines;, Islamic;, Gambling;, Society


The purpose of this research is to educate the Indonesian people about the dangers of playing online and offline gambling, and to invite all circles of society without distinguishing classes to jointly speak out to stop playing online gambling. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, with the subject of online gambling players in the village in Sidoarjo district. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Descriptive technique is a technique used in research results. Based on research data, online gambling players are still classified as productive age with a profession as a private employee. Based on the factors that influence online gambling players, it is dominated by the environment and technology. 


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