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The Role of Viral Marketing, E-Service Quality, and Ease of Use on Millennial Gen Purchasing Decisions with Brand Image as an Intervening Variable at Marketplace in Indonesia

Peran Viral Marketing, E-Service Quality, dan Ease of Use terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Gen Millenial dengan Brand Image sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Marketplace di Indonesia




Viral Marketing, E-Service Quality, Ease of Use, Purchase Decisions, Brand Image


This study aims to determine the role of viral marketing, e-service quality and ease of use on purchasing decisions of millennial generation through brand image as an intervening variable in Indonesian marketplace. This study uses a quantitative approach using the population, namely all residents of East Java with ages between 26-35 years (Millennial Generation). The number of research samples determined by the slovin formula so that the number of 100 respondents was obtained. Primary data collection in this study used a questionnaire distribution technique with a Likert Scale. The data analysis technique uses SEM-PLS with SmartPLS (3.0) software. The results showed viral marketing and ease of use have an influence on purchasing decisions both directly and indirectly through brand image. E-service quality does not have a significant influence on purchasing decisions directly or indirectly through brand image. Also brand image has a significant direct influence on purchasing decisions


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