Design of Data Processing System for Repair and Sales of ABU Sedati Optical Glasses
Perancangan Sistem Pengolahan Data Perbaikan dan penjualan kacamata Optik ABU Sedati
development of information technology, sales innovation, efficiency of repair servicesAbstract
Technological advancements have become an important catalyst for transformation and creativity in various aspects of human activity. People's lifestyles, jobs, and social interactions have undergone significant changes due to the rapid development of technology, especially in communication and information. From the Industrial Revolution to the current digital era, technology has consistently facilitated the emergence of new opportunities and overcome challenges. This study aims to facilitate administrative management in the repair and sale of glasses at Optik ABU Sedati. During this research phase, the Waterfall Model approach was used. Data was collected using interviews to understand the requirements of the system to be developed. By evaluating the existing system, researchers were able to determine the features needed to ensure the new system meets the requirements. The main problem identified was that managers continued to use manual systems to record field orders and payment transactions.
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