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LoRa Based Soil Quality Monitoring System for Purple Eggplant Plants

Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Tanah pada Tanaman Terung Ungu Berbasis LoRa




Soil Fertility, Agriculture, Technology, Eggplant, Internet of Things, Lora, Soil Moisture Sensor, Soil Ph Sensor, Dht 22


Soil fertility is a crucial factor in agriculture to achieve desired outcomes. Technological advancements today have been leveraged to support optimal plant growth. One example is eggplant cultivation, where the use of tools to monitor soil fertility is expected to increase eggplant productivity. This system is based on IoT andLoRa as the transport medium for transmitting data from soil moisture sensors, soil pH sensors, and DHT22 sensors. The sensor data readings show that soil pH and moisture levels are stable. The soil pH sensor remains stable at 7.79, and the soil moisture level is at 88.8. Eggplants thrive well at a pH of around 5-6 and soil moisture levels of 80%-90%


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