Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Information Technology (IT) Service Companies
Implementasi Customer Reliation Management (CRM) pada Perusahaan Jasa Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Information and communication technology (ICT) innovation, ImplementationAbstract
The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has significantly transformed human lifestyles, being applied in various sectors such as healthcare, education, and business. The rapid growth in technology usage demonstrates an increasing reliance on digital technology, yet it also brings complexities for ICT service providers who must focus on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to acquire, retain, and enhance customer value and loyalty. This research aims to explore the implementation of CRM and identify strategies in ICT service businesses to optimize customer experiences, identify their needs, and respond with relevant solutions, thereby impacting customer satisfaction and long-term business relationships. The study employs a case study design based on Robert K. Yin's approach, involving the analysis of customer portfolios, customer intimacy, business networks, customer value creation, and customer lifecycle management. Data were collected through triangulation methods (documents, interviews, observations) to ensure construct and internal validity. Effective CRM implementation in ICT service companies shows an increase in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability. CRM helps companies tailor their marketing and service strategies to meet customer needs more effectively while maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage in the market. This research positively contributes to the business growth and profitability of ICT service companies, significantly enhancing customer satisfaction and long-term business relationships. The study highlights that the importance of CRM is not only in terms of profitability but also in fostering a customer-focused corporate culture, good communication, and continuous innovation. It fills a research gap concerning CRM implementation strategies in ICT service businesses in Indonesia.
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