Analisis Sensitiftas Repair Basic Condition Bata Merah Printing Tool with the Method Axiomatic Design
Analisis Sensitiftas Repair Basic Condition Alat Pecentak Bata Merah dengan Metode Aksiomatik Desain
UMSIDA Preprints Server, Author Guidelines , Cognitive Learning OutcomesAbstract
Red brick is a building material that is widely used because of its flexibility and user-friendly nature. UD. BKJ as a red brick producer faces challenges in meeting the increasing market demand. The research method used is evaluative, with data collection through interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The design of red brick printing equipment is carried out by identifying customer needs, determining (FRs) and (DPs), and mapping the relationship between FRs and DPs in the design matrix. This tool is able to produce 720 bricks per hour, increasing production efficiency by up to 116.22% compared to the manual printing process. An economic feasibility analysis shows that the investment in this tool is very financially feasible, with a payback period of about 16 days. In conclusion, red brick printing tools designed using the Axiomatic Design method can improve production efficiency, meet customer needs, and be economically feasible for UD. BKJ.
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