The Role of Sense of Belonging in Environmental Awareness of Gunungpetung Youth in Building SumberNyonya Waterfall, Pasuruan Regency
Peran Sense of belonging Terhadap Kesadaran Lingkungan Pemuda Gunungpetung Dalam Membangun AirTerjun SumberNyonya Kabupaten Pasuruan
sense of belonging, Environmental AwarenessAbstract
This research aims to reveal the influence of a sense of belonging on environmental awareness among youth in Gunung Petung Hamlet, Tutur Village, Pasuruan Regency in the context of developing Sumber Nyonya waterfall tourism. By using a quantitative approach and correlational methods. This research involved 172 respondents selected through accidental sampling. Data was collected using the sense of belonging scale and environmental awareness scale, then analyzed using simple linear regression using SPSS. The research results show that sense of belonging has an influence on environmental awareness with a contribution of 8.9% with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05 and the remaining 91.1% is influenced by other variables outside this research. These findings emphasize the importance of increasing the sense of belonging among youth to encourage active participation in environmental conservation, especially in the development of nature-based tourism
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