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Transformational Leadership in Muhammadiyah Association in Community Development

Kepemimpinan Transformasional pada Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah dalam Pembangunan Masyarakat




Transformational Lead, The Muhammadiyah Association, Community Development


This research analyzes the impact of transformational leadership by Muhammadiyah leaders, particularly the Rector of UMSIDA, on member loyalty, organizational efficiency, and the quality of education and services. Utilizing a descriptive qualitative method, the study incorporates observation, interviews, and both primary and secondary data. A purposive sampling technique was employed, with data analysis involving reduction, presentation, and verification to process and interpret the findings. The study highlights key indicators of transformational leadership based on Avolio et al's theory: Idealized Influence, where the Rector serves as a charismatic role model; Inspirational Motivation, where the Rector motivates employees to excel and contribute to society; Intellectual Stimulation, where innovation and creativity are encouraged; and Individualized Consideration, where outstanding performance is rewarded. The results indicate that transformational leadership effectively fosters positive change, enhancing organizational structure, management, and overall quality of life within the Muhammadiyah Association.


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