Characteristics of Candied Coconut Fruit (Cocos Nucifers L.) on Various Sugar Concentrations and Drying Durations
Karakteristik Manisan Kering Buah Kelapa (Cocos Nucifers L.) pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Gula dan Lama Pengeringan
Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)Abstract
This study used a group randomized design arranged factorially. The first factor was sugar concentration (60%, 70%, 80%) and the second factor was drying time (1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours) with three replications. The longer the drying time tends to cause the texture to get harder, the brightness value decreases, the reddish and yellowish values increase, the water content and yield decrease, and the organoleptics on aroma, color, taste, and texture are not liked by the panelists. Based on the results of the research, the best treatment for dried candied coconut fruit is treatment F2T3 (70% sugar concentration and 3 hours drying time) which gives a value of 7.74 which shows the value of water content 2.82%; texture 50.33N; yield 53.62%; fat 27.10%; reduction sugar 43.15 µg/ml; organoleptic characters for color 3.7 (neutral - like); aroma 3.7 (neutral - like); texture 3.9 (like - very like); taste 4.1.
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