Analysis of Employee Loyalty, Work Discipline and Employee Skills on Performance Improvement through SOP
Analisis Loyalitas Pegawai, Kedisiplinan Kerja dan Skill Pegawai Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Melalui SOP
Employee Loyalty, Work Discipline, Employee Skills, SOP, Performance ImprovementAbstract
This study aims to examine the relationship between employee loyalty, work etiquette, and employee competence and performance improvement in the region, with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as an intervention variable. Quantitative methodology was used to collect data from regional employees through surveys and statistical analysis. The theoretical constructs of employee loyalty, workplace etiquette, employee competence, and SOP as a management tool were applied in this study. The expected outcomes of this study are to provide a deeper understanding of the factors that influence employee performance in the region and provide recommendations for improving human resource management in local government institutions. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed within the framework of strengthening management efficiency at the local level. This study provides a foundation for formulating more effective management strategies to improve employee performance in the region and can be a reference for future research in the domain of human resource management in the government sector. Employee loyalty affects SOP. Work discipline affects SOP. Employee skills affect SOP. Employee loyalty affects performance improvement. Work discipline affects performance improvement. Employee skills affect performance improvement. SOP affects performance improvement. Employee loyalty affects performance improvement through SOP. Work discipline affects performance improvement through SOP. Employee skills affect performance improvement through SOP.
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