Maintenance Planning Tobacco Vibrator Machine With Reliability Centered Maintenance Method, And Failure Modes And Effect Analyze
Perencanaan Perawatan Mesin Tobacco Vibrator Dengan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance, Dan Failure Modes And Effect Analyze
Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (FMEA), Maintenance, Reliability Centered Maintenance IIAbstract
UD Jati Waseso is a tobacco processing industry that uses a Tobacco Vibrator machine in its production process. The problem of the machine experiencing a breakdown, productivity will be disrupted by a decrease in the number of output and increasing operational costs. The purpose of planning tobacco vibrator machine maintenance with the reliability centered maintenance method, and failure modes and effect analyze. The results of this study indicate that at a reliability level of 0.50 the electromotor component will decrease in 27 days, while the lower and upper nozzle at 0.21 will decrease in 160 days and the roller will decrease in 330 days. The proposed maintenance is that technicians or engineers can conduct further inspections on each component indicating replacement machine components or only need temporary repairs because it can prevent damage to critical components that cause long downtime.
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