Analysis of E-Procurement Implementation in the Quality Dimension of Procurement of Goods and Services in the Mojokerto City Government
Analisis Penerapan E-Procurement Dalam Dimensi Kualitas Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa di Pemerintah Kota Mojokerto
E-Procurement, Quality, Mixed Method, Local GovernmentAbstract
This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the quality of Electronic Procurement (E-Procurement) in the Mojokerto City Government based on e-procurement quality dimensions. The qualitative study started by conducting face-to-face semi-structured interviews with key informants who have a central role in the procurement process. The interview results show that there is a new variable as a factor that influences the performance and quality of e. From the results of the interviews, it was also found that there are factors that became strategic issues and problems that reduced the performance. The research continued by distributing questionnaires to 200 peoples who procure goods and services as procurement e-users in the Mojokerto City Government. Data processing was carried out using the SPSS Version 29.0 software application, starting from validity, reliability and factor analysis tests. The results of factor analysis tests show that regulatory factors with variable indicators including regulations that support the integration of electronic procurement with the financial system, regulations must be able to formulate price standards that are relevant to ecatalogs, and regulations must have the ability to develop price standards. Training is also a strategic issue that has been found that has a great influence on influencing the quality. The factors that have been analyzed can be used as an a reference in evaluating the quality for government agencies. The implication is that users, in this case, the Mojokerto City Government, must pay attention on the formation of the first factor, especially to the Training and Regulation factors.
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