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Optimization of Packing Operations Through the Warehouse Management System Using an Integrated Barcode System

Optimalisasi Operasi Packing Melalui Sistem Manajemen Gudang dengan Menggunakan Sistem Terintegrasi Barcode




Packing Operation Optimization, Warehouse Management System, Barcode, Efficiency, Accuracy, Inventory


Business competition in the era of globalization encourages companies to improve operational efficiency, especially in warehouse management. However, there are still many challenges faced, such as manual errors, the slow process of identifying goods, and the lack of integration of warehouse management systems with the latest technology. This research aims to investigate the potential for optimizing packing operations through a warehouse management system integrated with barcodes. The application development method used is the SDLC waterfall model. This method was chosen because the development steps are sequential and not focused on specific stages, resulting in software with a quality system. It is expected that this research can produce findings regarding the effectiveness of the barcode integrated warehouse management system in optimizing packing operations. The findings can be used to develop effective strategies and technologies to improve the efficiency and performance of warehouse operations, and strengthen the company's position in business competition.



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