Forecasting Analysis of Agen Jatim Branch Tuban Performance
Analisis Forecasting Kinerja Agen Jatim Cabang Tuban
Financial Inclusion, in Banking, ProductAbstract
Branchless banking is one of the branchless financial services within the framework of financial inclusion. This research aims to understand and describe the role product of the Bank Jatim branchless banking, known as the Agen Jatim, through the financial performance of the Agen Jatim branch Tuban in terms of the number of agents, amount of saving, and NoA (Number of Amount). The research uses quantitative methods by collecting agent data from 2021-2023, then forecasting analysis is carried out regarding the performance of East Java Agents, Tuban Branch, using the ARIMA method. The expected results of this research are to find out the financial performance results of the Tuban Branch of the East Java Agent for the period January 2024.
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