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Microhydro Power Plant Prototype Using Internet of Things Based Pelton Turbine

Prototipe Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Menggunakan Turbin Pelton Berbasis Internet of Things




MQTT Method, ; Nodemcu ESP8266, Google Sheets, INA219, Solid State Relay


New and sustainable energy sources, such as micro-hydro power plants, are increasingly developing. Microhydro power plants work by utilizing water discharge and pressure to produce mechanical energy by rotating a turbine shaft, which is then connected to a generator to convert it into electrical energy. However, micro-hydro power plants generally still require manual inspection. Therefore, an Internet of Things-based microhydro power plant with a voltage, current and power monitoring system was designed to overcome these difficulties. It is hoped that the resulting data can be used to analyze necessary maintenance actions. Design includes the development of both software and hardware. Among the hardware components is the ESP8266 microcontroller board, which processes data from the INA219 voltage, current and power sensor modules. Solid state relays enable load control remotely. On the software side, Internet of Things applications such as Google Sheets and MQTT are designed to connect over Wi-Fi networks.


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