Risk Management Expert System for Aplication Development Using the Forward Chaining Method
Sistem Pakar Manajemen Risiko Untuk Pengembangan Aplikasi Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining
Risk management, Forward Chaining, Expert SystemAbstract
PT XYZ faces challenges in managing risks that affect the company's operations, growth and finances. These risks must be better managed through the implementation of appropriate and efficient mitigation strategies to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the company's business. Therefore, this research aims to design software using an expert system with the forward chaining method to manage risks. This research uses an expert system with the forward chaining method that has been successfully applied in agriculture and animal husbandry. Parameters considered include probability of occurrence, financial and operational impact, vulnerability, severity, existing controls, regulatory compliance, and reputational impact. Test results show the software is effective and provides appropriate risk management recommendations with an accuracy rate of 100%. The system functions well and has the potential to be applied more widely to improve risk management and operational efficiency.Downloads
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