The Effectiveness of ZPT Moringa and Several Concentrations of AB Mix Against Growth and Yield of Pagoda Mustard (Brassica narinosa L.)
Efektifitas ZPT Kelor dan Beberapa Konsentrasi AB Mix Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Sawi Pagoda (Brassica narinosa L.)
Pagoda mustard, AB Mix concentration, ZPT MoringaAbstract
This study aims to determine the proper concentration of AB Mix fertilizer and the effectiveness of Moringa ZPT on the growth and production of pagoda mustard. This research was conducted from November 2022 to December 2022, using a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD), namely the concentration of AB Mix fertilizer consisting of 6 levels of concentration, namely 2ml, 4ml, 6ml, 8ml, 10ml, 12ml and the administration of Moringa ZPT consisting of 2 levels namely Z0 (without ZPT) and Z1 (using ZPT). With 3 replications resulting in 36 experimental units. Observational variables consisted of plant height, number of leaves, root length, fresh weight, dry weight, and harvest index.
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