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Comparison of Toxoplasma Gondii Detection in Cat Feces Using Indirect Flotation Method and PCR with P30 Gene Marker at Market

Perbandingan Deteksi Toxoplasma Gondii pada Feses Kucing Menggunakan Metode Indirect Flotasi dan PCR Dengan Marka Gen P30 di Pasar




Toxoplasmosis, PCR, ZnSO4 Flotation, Larangan Market


Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The Sidoarjo Larangan Market is a potential site for toxoplasmosis transmission due to its high prevalence of T. gondii. The objective of this study was to determine the differences in T. gondii analysis results from cat feces using the indirect flotation method and PCR method with the P30 gene marker. The research design employed was Exploratory Descriptive. The study was conducted between May and June 2024, involving 13 samples of cat feces. The research findings showed no detection of T. gondii using the ZnSO4 flotation method, whereas the PCR method detected only one sample showing a specific DNA band of 550bp length, though very faint. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the PCR method with the P30 gene marker is more accurate in detecting T. gondii compared to the ZnSO4 flotation method.


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