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Correlation Between Hematology Profile and Widal Titer in Patient with Febris Symptoms

Korelasi antara Profil hematologi dengan Titer Widal pada Pasien dengan Gejala Febris




Hematology Profile, Widal Titer, Correlation, Febris


Febris (fever) is an increase in temperature to >38oC. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between the hematological profile and Widal titer in patients with febris symptoms. The research used secondary data from medical records of patients who underwent laboratory examinations on 50 patients diagnosed with febris at the Aisyiyah Siti Fatimah Tulangan Sidoarjo Hospital in October 2023 – March 2024. The research used the Spearman Correlation statistical test with a confidence level of 95% and alpha (α=0.05). The results of the study showed that there was no relationship between hemoglobin, leukocytes, and platelets with Widal titers, but showed a relationship between erythrocytes and Widal O titers (p=0.011 < 0.05), although not with Widal titers H, A, and B in patients children aged 5-12 years with febris symptoms for 3-6 days.


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