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Web-Based Online Exam Application For Junior High Schools (Case Study: Hasyim Ashari Tulangan Junior High School)

Aplikasi Ujian Online Berbasis Web Untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama] (Studi Kasus : Smp Hasyim Asyari Tulangan)]




exam, application, Hasyim asyari junior high school


Technological developments have had quite rapid consequences in the field of education, the application of technology in the form of information systems, such as the use of online examination systems can be applied in the field of education. online exam system is part of the distance learning information system via internet technology. The exams held by most educational institutions are standard. Like the exam system implemented at HASYIM ASHARI JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL which still uses manual methods. HASYIM ASHARI JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL really needs an information system at this time. This makes the final assessment contain a subjective element by involving human opinion. The aim of creating an online exam application system is to increase the speed and simplicity of the exam evaluation process. The result of this research is the creation of a web-based online exam application for junior high schools that can provide assessment results in real time.


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