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Optimizing the handling of food waste in Sidoarjo Padang sederhana restaurants using Grounded theory and Analytical Hierarchy Process.

Optimalisasi penanganan Food Waste Rumah Makan Padang menggunakan metode Grounded Theory dan Analytical Hierarchy Process


  • Evifa Halimatussya Diyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Atikha Sidhi Cahyana Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo



Food Waste, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Grounded Theory, Restaurant Padang


Food waste is food that can be consumed by humans but is not consumed and disposed of for certain reasons. Restaurants are a source of waste, both food waste and non-food waste. The number of food businesses in the Sidoarjo area, one of which is the Padang restaurant business, generates 15 kg of waste per day in the form of vegetables, rice and various side dishes.In this study, to find the triggering factors and the handling of the food waste problem at a modest Padang restaurant in Sidoarjo, it was carried out using the grounded theory and Analytical Hierarchy Process methods.Based on the problems above, it can be seen that the behavior of traders in policies affecting food waste is still lacking and also the behavior of consumers in leaving food, causing food waste (Food waste).


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