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Got the Wrong Person

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wrongful arrest, wrong identification, psychological impact, social stigma, law enforcement, legal policy


Mistakes in arresting someone are an issue that often attracts public attention and has serious consequences. This research aims to examine the factors that cause wrongful arrests, the psychological and social impacts they cause, as well as steps that can be taken to minimize the occurrence of these errors. This study uses qualitative methods by collecting data from in-depth interviews and case studies involving victims of wrongful arrest, law enforcement officers, and legal experts. The research results show that eyewitness identification errors, lack of accurate evidence, and pressure to quickly resolve cases are the main factors that cause wrongful arrests. The impact felt by victims is not only in the form of material losses, but also psychological trauma and long-lasting social stigma. This research recommends increased training for law enforcement officers, the use of advanced technology in the identification process, as well as the need for stricter policy revisions.


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