Relayout of the Spare Parts Raw Material Warehouse Using the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) Method and Shared Storage
Relayout Gudang Bahan Baku Sparepart Menggunakan Metode Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) dan Shared Storage
Layout Warehouse, Activity Relationship Chart (ARC), Shared Storage, Spare Parts Raw MaterialsAbstract
PT. Krukus Brand Indonesia is a steel company that produces machine components for the building materials industry which, when there is an order, is assembled into a machine. This method can solve company warehouse problems so that they are more optimal. The aim of this research is to obtain an effective layout design that minimizes transportation distances and to provide suggestions for improvements to the layout of the product spare parts warehouse. The proposed layout design using the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) method produces a more organized layout and each spare part that has a degree of close relationship is arranged according to the method. The design that has been created using the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) method is followed by the Shared Storage method to obtain the distance traveled when picking up each spare part in the warehouse.
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