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The Implementation of Run to the Board Game in Teaching English Vocabulary

Penerapan Game Run to the Board dalam Pengajaran Kosakata Bahasa Inggris




Run to the Board, Game, Vocabulary


In the era of globalization, mastering English is crucial for international communication. Despite English education being present in Indonesia, language skills, particularly vocabulary, still need to improve, hindering students' comprehension. This study employed a qualitative case study approach to investigate the implementation of the "Run to the Board" game as a method to improve English language skills at a junior high school. Participants were Kampus Mengajar batch 4 student teachers. Data collected through observations, interviews, and documentation were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of this study enrich the theoretical understanding of the "Run to the Board" method and provide practical insights for English language educators. The results are expected to inspire teachers to be more creative in boosting students' self-confidence and addressing vocabulary challenges that impede their English proficiency.


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