Implementation Of QR Code on IoT – based Smart Door Lock Prototype
Implementasi QR Code pada Prototype Smart Door Lock Berbasis IoT
Blynk, NodeMCU, Relay, Smart door LockAbstract
Technological innovation provides progress in the ease of operating things digitally. One example of this innovation is smart door lock technology. This research aims to apply this technology to a prototype to control a door using an application. The research method used is research and development by carrying out various tests on the NodeMCU microcontroller, three-channel relay, with the Blynk application. The research results show that the Blynk smart door lock application can work to control the microcontroller at a distance using a WiFi signal at a distance of 9 meters without being blocked by a wall and a distance of 11 meters without being blocked by a wall. The relay functions well to control solenoids and DC motors. Giving commands from the button in the Blynk application has an average delay of 1.1 seconds to control the door.
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