Preprint has been published in a journal as an article
Preprint / Version 1

A Unique Web-Based Snack Information System in The City of Sidoarjo

Sistem Informasi Jajanan Unik di Kota Sidoarjo Berbasis Web




web-based sales system, inventory management, sales data analysis, online payment integration, agile development


This research discusses the development of a web-based sales system designed to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of the sales process. This system uses the latest web technology to provide a user-friendly platform that
can be accessed via various devices. The main features of this system include inventory management, transaction
processing, sales data analysis, and integration with online payment systems. Using agile development methods, this
system was developed to meet the specific needs of sales businesses while ensuring scalability and data security. Test
results show significant improvements in transaction speed and customer satisfaction. This study provides insight into
how the application of web technologies can optimize sales operations and offers recommendations for further


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