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Development of a Web-Based Healthy Clinic Information System

Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Klinik Sehat Berbasis Web




information system, website, sehat clinic


Clinics are not only places to get medical care, but also health information centers that play a role in educating the public about preventive and promotive health. However, in carrying out its function. With a web-based information system, the clinic can manage incoming patient data, clinic doctor distribution schedules, manage patient symptoms. As a public health service unit Clinic Sehat may face various challenges in data and information management that are similar to many other clinics. Therefore, developing a web-based information system that is tailored to the needs of the Healthy Clinic is an urgent need. Implementation of this system not only addresses technical issues, but also integrates the cultural and organizational needs of the Healthy Clinic environment. This research not only describes the technical design of a web-based information system, but also highlights its broader implications in improving the accessibility of health services and promoting overall societal well-being.


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