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The Influence of Direct Marketing, Product Quality, and E-Service Quality on Repurchase Interest in Shopee Live Streaming Marketing

Pengaruh Pemasaran Langsung, Kualitas Produk, dan Kualitas Layanan Elektronik Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Pada Live Streaming Marketing Shopee




Direct Marketing, Product Quality, E-Service Quality, Repurchase Interest


The purpose of this study is to ascertain how repurchase intention is impacted by direct marketing, product quality, and electronic service quality. This study's research methodology is quantitative in nature. The amount of individuals who have made purchases at Shopee Live Streaming makes up the study's population. The lemeshow formula was used to establish the sample size, and the purposive sampling technique a non-probability sampling method was employed to get that number of responses, or 100. Primary data, collected by delivering questionnaires to respondents, made up the data used in this investigation. Data analysis is done utilizing statistical techniques and quantitative data analysis methodologies. A portion of the study's findings indicated that direct marketing (X1)


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