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The Role of LKBH in Helping the Muhammadiyah Association

Peranan LKBH dalam Membantu Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah




LKBH, Consultation, advocacy, muhammdiyah, legal aid, legal education


The Legal Assistance and Consultation Institute (LKBH) plays an important role in supporting the Muhammadiyah organization through various comprehensive legal services. LKBH's role includes providing legal assistance, consultation and advocacy to assist Muhammadiyah in resolving legal problems both in the internal and external realms. Apart from that, LKBH also plays a role in providing legal education to Muhammadiyah members, as well as encouraging compliance with applicable laws and regulations. With a professional approach and integrity, LKBH ensures that every activity and policy of Muhammadiyah remains within the legal corridor, thus supporting Muhammadiyah's mission to contribute positively to nation building. Through analyzing the role and contribution of LKBH, this research will explore the significant impact it has had in strengthening Muhammadiyah's legal position amidst social, political and legal dynamics in Indonesia



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