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Re-Layout The Layout Of Shoe Production Facilities Using Systematic Layout Planning And Blocplan Methods

Re-Layout Tata Letak Fasilitas Produksi Sepatu Menggunakan Metode Systematic Layout Planning Dan Blocplan




Re-layout Facility, Activity Relationship Chart, Systematic Layout Planning, Blocplan, Shoe Production


PT. Inti Dragon Suryatama is engaged in making shoes. From the results of observations, the conditions of the production site are less than optimal. Judging from the work station and the placement of the machine which is 3 to 5 meters away, even though only a few people are passing it, it causes disruption to the flow of the process because it takes a long time. This research aims to reduce the distance between departments. The methods used to redesign the factory layout are the systematic layout planning (SLP) and blocplan methods. SLP is used to determine the closeness factor between departments. Meanwhile, blocplan is used to get optimal layout results. The results of this research showed changes in distance in the proximity of each department, the initial distance was 45.7 meters to 33.5 meters, so the efficiency of using the blocplan algorithm was 26%.


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