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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Analysis to Control Waste in Chicken Intestinal Chips to Realise Green Manufacturing

Analisis Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Untuk Mengendalikan Waste pada kripik usus ayam untuk Mewujudkan Green Manufacturing




Green Manufacturing, Chicken Intestine Chips, Life Cycle Assessment, Waste


UD Dua Cahaya is a production house that functions as a producer of chicken intestine chips snacks. The problem
faced is waste, waste produced from the washing process to packaging, waste in the form of waste water from washing,
waste from frying, and flour from dough. Apart from waste, the process of producing intestinal chips has an impact,
namely during frying. So the aim of the research is to calculate the impact value produced; identify the processes that
produce the greatest environmental impact; also provide suggestions for improvements because the producer has
never carried out calculations regarding the impacts caused. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method was chosen
to analyze the environmental impacts that occur due to an industry in the product manufacturing process in order to
support the green manufacturing concept. The largest emission in the frying process
in the greenhouse gas category is 105.66 Tonnes CO2-eq. 


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