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Implementation of Reading Literacy Learning on The Social Intelligence of Children With Autistic Disorder in Inclusive Elementary Schools

Implementasi Pembelajaran Literasi Membaca Terhadap Kecerdasan Sosial Anak Dengan Gangguan Autis di SD Inklusi




Reading literacy, Autism disorder, Social intelligence, Elementary school


In education in Indonesia, literacy is currently one of the main competencies or focuses of the education system.
Literacy alone is not enough if it is not supported by good character building in students, while children at the
elementary school level have a concrete way of thinking, so if the learning is separated it will be less meaningful. With
the existing reading literacy habit, making learning in the classroom more meaningful and can affect the character of
students' social intelligence. This study aims to discuss how reading literacy learning can affect the social intelligence
of children with autism disorder in inclusive schools. This research is a case study research, the subject involved in
this research is a student (T) with mild autism disorder in grade 4. 


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