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Implementation of Indonesian National Standardization (SNI) in the Production of Organic Briquette Charcoal From Rice Husks and Rice Straw Stalks for Export

Implementasi Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Dalam Produksi Arang Briket Organik Dari Sekam Padi dan Batang Jerami Padi Untuk Ekspor




SNI, Rice Straw, Rice Husk


The growing global awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability and the need for renewable energy sources has prompted an increased in interest in organic products, including organic briquette charcoal. abundant and the caloric value is quite high (3,350 – 2,800 kcal/g). Quality Improvementing In the face of the increasing global demand for environmentally friendly products, the implementation of Indonesia's National Standardization (SNI) is a strategic step to ensure that the organic briquette charcoal produced meets quality standards. Based on this study, it can be concluded that the production process of organic briquette charcoal from rice husks and rice straw stalks has successfully met the SNI=5000 kcal/g standard that is determined. Through stages such as burning rice straw stalks and rice husks, grinding charcoal, sifting charcoal, mixing raw materials, pumping, and drying charcoal briquettes, the final result was obtained with a calorific value of 9100 kcal/g


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