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Audio-visual slides: Does It Improve Speaking Skills of Students in 7th-Grade Junior High School?

Slide Audio Visual: Apakah Ini Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa Kelas 7 SMP?




English language learning, improve speaking skills, audio-visual slides


The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not audio-visual slides may improve the speaking skills of seventh-grade students. Students do not have enough opportunities to practice speaking English, even though it is essential for communication. To close this gap, this study uses audio-visual slides, which blend visual and audio cues to keep students interested and develop their imagination. The research used a pre-experimental one-shot case study methodology with 32 students to assess gains in fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and comprehension. An average speaking score of 69.53 and the test value for the t-test was 70 seen in the findings, which showed the students' ability to be in the good category in grammar and pronunciation. The concept that audio-visual slides are an excellent means of improving speaking skills is supported by statistical analysis. This approach can lead to the development of a more stimulating and encouraging English learning environment.


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