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The Role of Digitalization, Innovation, Orientation in Improving UMKM Business Performance Cheap Souvernirs in Sidoarjo

Peran Digitalisasi, Inovasi, Orientasi Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Bisnis UMKM Souvernir Murah Sidoarjo




Digitalisasi, Inovasi, Kinerja, Bisnis, Orientasi


The research aims to determine the role of digitalization, innovation, orientation in improving the business performance of Sidoarjo Cheap Souvernir MSMEs. This research uses quantitative methods, by distributing questionnaires to the people of Sidoarjo. The population in this study are consumers who purchased Sidoarjo Cheap Souvernir MSMEs products with the samples taken being consumers who purchased Sidoarjo Cheap Souvernir MSMEs products. The technique used for sampling was non-probability sampling with purposive sampling with 96 respondents. The sampling criteria in this research were male and female customers who had purchased Sidoarjo Cheap Souvernir MSMEs products directly and lived in Sidoarjo. 


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