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Integration of Islamic Values in Science Learning at the Al Fattah Islamic Education Institution Senior High School Sidoarjo.

Integrasi Nilai-nilai Islam dalam Pembelajaran Sains di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam SMA Al Fattah Sidoarjo




Integrity of Islamic Values, Science Learning, Islamic education


Current developments in information and technology not only have positive but also negative impacts. Therefore, madrasas as educational institutions have a very important role in faith and piety as a basis for moral development.  This research was designed in the form of library research which uses various library sources as sources of research data. This research is included in the type of qualitative research. To describe the problem, researchers used data collection methods. The data found was then analyzed descriptively qualitatively based on the Miles and Huberman analysis model, starting from the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are: Integration of Islamic Values in Science Learning at the Al Fatah Islamic Education Institute Sidoarjo; 1) Imaniyah (spiritual), 2) Value of Khulukiyah Education, 3) Value of Fikriyah education, 4) Value of Physical education.


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